Thursday, January 31, 2013

Clearing the Karma of 8.4 Million Lifetimes!!!

The e-mail that came from Sikh Dharma Dasvandh today has several commentaries on the beauty of the Mul Mantra (fyi, the one we are chanting...), and one meditation variation that says you would "clear the karma of 8.4 million lifetimes". By the time our lung volume increases from this one, that might be doable for me.

Also, the top of the e-mail has a quote by YB where he describes the chanting of the last four lines as creating a space where no one can touch you. This meditation is more powerful than anything I've done in this tradition is drawing wonderful things toward me and those I love, coming with some pain as the past ways of being must let go. That old monkey on my shoulders, he was here last night in my room, masquerading like the incubus he used to show up as in the middle of the night, but I finally thought to say the Baba Siri Chand mantra. Kirtan Soheila didn't get it, nor calling on Guru Nanak, but with the Baba Siri Chand I could go back to sleep. I'm a little exhausted from all the waking up and fighting him off, but I'll recover.

I wonder what would have happened if I'd said the Mul Mantra? Or got up and chanted it the way we do even just once? Fear grabbed me as I felt that presence and Baba Siri Chand took it away though. I know this meditation is powerful. If it is drawing that much resistance to letting go of's powerful. Good!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

At first I was afraid... I was petrified...

This meditation is making me zone out. I forget I even exist, wonder who is singing, come back and can't remember what part of the chant I was in...and start singing Gloria Gaynor lyrics in the middle, or...something. Very strange. Like a dream I once had.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I had a dream last night that I was chilling out on my bottom bunk bed, and some girl came along with her mother, acted all sweet, and then plunked her 'stuff' right on my bunk, saying "Bye Mom, mwah!" Then she sat down at the foot of the bed and said: "This is where I'm sleeping." I was sitting crossed-legged on my pillow at the top of the bed, and was so pissed. What did I do? Did I slap her and knock her off the bed, and tell her she wasn't going to bully me? No...I woke up, and left the bully in dreamland. So why am I still soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pissed!?

I think this might have been some kind of metaphor for working with the lower chakras, specifically the kidneys and the adrenals. You know, being pissed and all. Wanting to kick her ass, but doing nothing, not even saying anything. Not enough power to stand my ground in dreamland. I'm really thinking: 'Strong As Steel' set. Yup. Get those lower chakras and whip em into shape. Well, maybe whipping is a bad metaphor, but, you get the idea, I'm sure. I want to kick her ass, but she's me, and I couldn't do it. I'm pissed at myself for not doing what I needed to do. I guess. I'm amused by this...

By the way, my boss said we could call the new Kundalini class: KICK-ASS KUNDALINI. She says she hopes that is okay... :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rock Your Chakras!

K' so... my boss at the studio that has the zaniest class titles and descriptions has asked my input for a new Kundalini class. This will be my 1st time teaching Kundalini there. She's heard good things about my classes there. She's heard good things about my classes everywhere, so she's giving it a shot. Hope this reaches the 20-somethings too...

Possible class titles(?)...












Possible Class Description:

Alchemize your heart, soul, body and mind with this practice designed to Balance All the Chakras. Get ready to have your mind blown and your butt kicked! This class is suitable for experienced yogis and yoginis in any style of yoga. Beginners with at least six weeks of practice are welcome. A fast paced and intense hour of powerful yoga, with a warm-up of Sun Salutes balanced by kriyas (sets of postures for a specific energetic or physical purpose) and focused meditations.

In this Information Age we need to rise above ourselves into grace and strength. The antidote to the stress we experience through the flood of information is to balance the chakras through intense physical practice and graceful meditation. We develop endurance through the asana, pranayama, mudra, mantra and meditation that comprises Kundalini Yoga. "Endurance will cause you to rise above your situations" like a phoenix rising up from the flames. Forge your heart into gold!

Each class will focus on a different chakra every week, and not necessarily in order, so don't worry about missing anything, it will all be there when you need it: Muladhara, Svadisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddi, Ajna and Sahasrara. Come Rock Your Chakras!

I posted this on Facebook, and felt immediately attacked. In private discussions with my fellow trainees, I felt supported. It is a relief to have a forum, a sangat where everyone is nonjudgmental and positive; not hanging on to constipated attitudes! Brainstorming is fun. Getting attacked for my creativity pushed my buttons, and shook my equilibrium. And I'm sad too. I kinda wanta cry. I was just having fun. Why do some people have to be such killjoys?

But... as was pointed out to me: my reaction is my own negative ego. Letting it get me down is the victim side of the ego, the lesser known side. The other side of the ego is arrogance, and I have it there thinking: how dare you?!!

Laughing at myself now as my fellow yogis and yoginis call me on my shit. I can't control what people say... I CAN control my reactions to it. And, I'd better. People will look to the radiance developing in myself and others for their own clarity and peace of mind; if I can't stand and deliver they will react.

If we cannot remain elevated through the storms, people's hopes will be raised and then dashed. This can "breed toxic and explosive resentments".

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Diving for The Blue Pearl!

Diving for The Blue a meditation experience like many that cannot be forced. You must allow it to come to you. During Level 1 training, while others saw this...I did not. I was sad. I strained to see it to no avail. I gave up, which is different from letting go. Finally, I just let go. Then one day, many months ago, at the beginning of this Level 2 Module, Stress & Vitality, I saw it!!! Mine was a luminous little blue/white pearl held by two hands like an Irish Claddagh ring; like a marriage to the Infinite, to the True Guru in my heart. Nirankar Kaur, who is near and far and everywhere mentioned seeing The Blue Pearl today, and again, I saw it too. The power of suggestion through allowing and 'instant karma' in a positive way...we think it, so it is. That is happening in this Aquarian Age. A single action of consciousness will result in immediate consequences...this time positive! Onwards and every-spiraling upwards!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Embodying the Adi Shakti

These blessed words of the Guru are planting a seed in my heart to put an end to all the blockages that I have faced thus far...I am so happy to be having an "in-body experience". As a former PTSD trauma survivor, former asthmatic...I am leaving all that behind for healthiness, happiness and holiness! For appreciation of the gifts I have already been given. I am working on strengthening the lower chakras alongside and with this meditation, and the process has led me through colo-rectal surgery to trusting my body to work for me. In training this weekend, Adi Shakti Kaur suggested that we have less inhibition in speaking about sex and elimination. Yogi Bhajan said that Kundalini Yoga is a householder yoga...celibacy is not necessary; however, I have been celibate for over 5 years to help heal a vast amount of pain. For most of my life, like many people, I dealt with chronic constipation. In the years of training with yoga I have become a happy regular of once a day. During this current training...2-3 times a day. I'm just gonna say it: satisfying poop! Yogi Bhajan said that a healthy digestive system should eliminate up to 4-5 times a day, but everyone is different. I feel healthier every day!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Stress Backpack Meditation #6.

As a teacher in training through KRI's Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, Level 2 Module, Stress & Vitality...I am basically 'interning' as healer and teacher to elevate myself through CHERDI KALA! This is the process of healing and uplifting myself and others, as a return for the 'gurprasad' - the gift of the guru, the divine teacher within. This meditation was assigned to us this weekend at the end of training, to be completed in 90 days.

To begin the meditation, we sit in easy pose, half lotus, or full lotus, with the hands in gyan mudra: Index and thumb pressing together, palm face up on the knees. We sit in awareness and chant the following mantra, inhaling completely before each line.

Ek Ong Kaar
Sat Naam
Kartaa Purakh (let the whole breath go through the nose)
Nirbho, Nirvair
Akaal Moorat
Jap (let the whole breath go through the nose)
Aad Sach (release breath with a hiss)
Jugaad Sach (release breath with a hiss)
Haibhee Sach (release breath with a hiss)
Nanaak Hosee Bhee Sach (release breath with a hiss)

Each time you inhale you must do so to the maximum capacity and each phrase must use up the entire breath. On words like Akaal Moorat, where the sound isn't really extended, release the breath through the mouth with a light "uhh..." sound. On Kartaa Purakh and Jap, release the breath through the nose. This is the whole secret: the last four phrases are ended with the breath released through the mouth so the "ch" sound in Sach is like the extended sound of a hissing snake.

TIME: Chant for a minimum of 11 times a day for 90 days. Since each person has a different lung capacity, this meditation should be done individually instead of in a group. It can take anywhere from 40-45 minutes to an hour.

COMMENTS: To brighten your auric light, have a radiant face, and prevent yourself from aging, practice this meditation. This is one of five meditations given specifically "to prepare for the gray period of the planet and to bring mental balance."

Today, on January 21st, my last day at Sat Tirath Ashram in Kansas City, Missouri with my teachers for this training module, I began this meditation while sitting right outside the Gurdwara, the Sikh Temple containing the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh Holy Book where these words are the beginning of the gift of the naad, the healing sound current, the place where all the mantras used in Kundalini Yoga come from. You do not need to be a Sikh or an American Sikh to practice this form of yoga, but I am, and so being outside the Gurdwara felt like home.

This meditation left me feeling peaceful, expanded, full of breath and life and joy! Cherdi Kala! Spiraling ever upwards, ready to lead in the Aquarian Age that we are in...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Stimulate Your Chakras

There is a very special meditation in our Stress & Vitality manual. This one is to 'Stimulate Your Chakras. It is at the beginning of the sixth day ~ "Cherdi Kala: Heal and Lead in the Aquarian Age". This mediation balances you between heaven and earth. It is for handling the pressures of the Information Age. You are to use your breath, the energy of prana, to carry you through. The right arm stretched out parallel to the ground is to catch up with the magnetic field of the earth. The left hand is pressing on the pituitary to balance the heavens. It says that your body will start to feel pain. "This pain will give you endurance, endurance will cause you to rise above your situations, and, once you rise above yourself, you've got it." As SIK said: "Like the Phoenix rising... from the flames!"

I said before we began it that I felt like Alice in Wonderland, embarking on a great journey beyond all of the insanity and craziness...just before I read YB's quote:

"This life is not for wasting. It is for reaching the wonderlands of your own consciousness."

18 minutes. Of pain. Excruciating. But not unendurable. I tell students to ignore the whiny voice, but listen to the loudspeaker one. My inner voice wasn't whiny, it was deeply fearful. I comforted myself with the strong intuitive knowledge that if I stayed the course throughout the tears and pain, the huge teardrops rolling down my cheeks...that I would triumph and all of that pain in my right side ribs behind the heart would leave. It did. It came back a little a few days later, and then left completely.

This meditation was done shortly before the one with the Guru Ram Das Miracle Mantra where Prakash Deep said she felt that strange energy around my shoulders. But it is all gone! All gone! Gone, gone, gone beyond! Wahe Guru! CHERDI KALA! Keeping up!